
The Conflict Analysis Network (CAN) is a research organisation established by a group of human rights experts with a strong record of work on human rights research, protection and advocacy. CAN is dedicated to prevent and end human rights abuses, conflict, and violence. By combining rigorous human rights documentation with conflict analysis CAN provides unique insight not only into human rights abuses when they occur, but when, and where they might occur. Thanks to this holistic approach CAN offers concrete, and practical solutions for change and presents them to people that matter. Additionally, CAN is also dedicated to build up the next generation of human rights researchers and analysts in the communities where it operates through training and capacity building.Initially CAN will geographically focus on conflicts that risk getting forgotten due to their protracted nature such as in Afghanistan and Bangladesh/Myanmar.

Mission statement: The Conflict Analysis Network (CAN) is a specialised research network focused on conflict and human rights. We aim to uncover and document human rights abuses in conflict and transition settings in new and innovative ways, and in particular to provide a human-rights based approaches to conflict prevention.

Goals and objectives

Ultimately, CAN’s goal is a world free of human rights abuses and conflict. In the shorter term, we want to:

  • Provide rigorous, insightful research and analysis on human rights issues in conflict areas, with an initial particular focus on Afghanistan.
  • Through high-level advocacy, present our findings and practical policy solutions to people that matter and who have the influence to prevent, minimise and address human rights abuses in conflict areas.
  • Through training and capacity building, to build up the next generation of human rights researchers and analysts in the communities where we operate.

Research and fact finding studies

  • Research on violent extremism and its impact on security and human rights situation.
  • Extremism driven insurgencies and causes of insurgency.
  • Women, peace and security and their participation in peace processes.
  • Transitional justice verses unjust peace.
  • Data analysis both quantitative and qualitative
  • Applying human rights-based approach, and gender inclusive research


  • Provide practical policy recommendations to governments and international policy makers.
  • Influence policy changes based on analysis of data collected during research projects.
  • Work in close collaboration with local and international stakeholders to maximize the advocacy impact.

Training and capacity building

  • Train and build the capacity of a new generation of human rights researchers on research methodologies.
  • Create a network of local human rights researchers in the countries where CAN conducts research.
  • Use local resources (human and technical) for further enrichment of its investigation work and research.


In all of these three key areas of focus, CAN will:  

  • Work closely with  think tanks and universities on research and analysis
  • Create collaboration and possible field learning opportunities for students where possible.
  • Build bridges between the security, humanitarian and human rights fields when conducting research, advocacy and lobbying.

CAN’s core staff/members consist of six experienced in peace, conflict and human rights researchers who have previously worked with Amnesty International, the United Nations human rights organizations and other respected international human rights organizations. In addition, CAN’s unique added value lies within its network of experts in a range of thematic and regional fields who can offer advice or direct input into relevant projects. This loose network model allows CAN to be flexible in the breadth of projects it takes on, while also being able to provide clients with a high-level of expertise in a range of fields.

CAN operates as an independent, non-political and impartial organisation.CAN is registered as a company limited by guarantee, based in London, the United Kingdom since year 2018.