What We Do

CAN is comprised of experienced human rights researchers. The network aims to provide unique insight in some of the world’s most intractable situations of human suffering. CAN is also dedicated to training the next generation of human rights experts in the communities we are working in.

Conflicts are expanding and more and more people live in areas affected by conflict and violence. The nature of conflict has become infinitely more complex. We witness inter-state confrontation, civil wars, insurgencies and a range of different armed actors including private mercenaries. States engage in hybrid warfare – they rely on proxies, propaganda, and misinformation using the internet. But one thing remains the same  it is civilians, majority women and children, who bear the brunt of the violence and conflict.

This is where the Conflict Analysis Network (CAN) comes in. We provide expert analysis and insight, that is valuable to governments, companies and civil society. But we are not just watchers, our main aim is to also advocate for change through adopting human rights based approach in ensuring sustainable peace and transition. We monitor and document abuses in detail through rigorous research and bring our findings and practical recommendations to decision-makers. To achieve this, we work with the communities we want to help to train the next generation of human rights defenders and leave a foundation for the future. Recognising that often the root causes of conflicts are due to entrenched inequalities and discrimination, we aim to ensure inclusive research approaches which also aim at fostering gender and marginalized groups empowerment.

CAN is a unique organisation whose core staff consists of experienced human rights and conflict researchers. We rely on our own networks and expertise to offer unprecedented levels of insight. What makes CAN a “network”, however, is our affiliated staff – a group of experts in particular regional and thematic fields who we rely on for support and insight into particular research projects.

CAN’s core staff has extensive experience working in protracted conflict situations, offering insight and access to at-risk communities. CAN will also provide a range of consultancy services – including field research, report writing and analysis. We will rely on our own networks and other opportunities to offer our services to potential clients in government, business or civil society.

While other organisations do excellent work in the field of conflict analysis and human rights, CAN offers a unique combination of both. This, coupled with our focus and advocacy and deep levels of access and network of contacts, will allow us to carry out high-quality research and documentation work and affect change.

CAN is registered as a company limited by guarantee, based in London, the United Kingdom.

Market opportunities / competitive analysis

With conflict spreading across the globe and manifesting itself in more complex forms, there is a need for an organisation that understands these new trends and has the ability to document human rights abuses and advocate for change.

Research and documentation

CAN’s core services will focus on providing rigorous and high-quality research in conflict environments. We draw from expertise and experience in a wide range of research methodologies and can also offer unprecedented access and insight into human rights issues in our regional areas of focus. We aim to offer advice and research work to clients including governments, business, international organisations, and civil society.

Advocacy for policy change

CAN will complement its own research work with advocating through policy change, including through using the media and through access to high-level decision makers. In addition, CAN will provide advice to civil society and other relevant areas on advocacy messaging, targets and strategies.

Training and capacity building services

CAN also offer training and capacity building services. These will be aimed specifically at civil society organisations in conflict-affected regions who are working for positive human rights change. CAN will also offer training services to better resourced organisations to supplement the work aimed at civil society in at-risk areas.